2 месяца с лишним ломали, неплохо, надеюсь осенние полетят как орехи, где там уже болдманы , стимпанки , нужна конкуренция, и бабки, видимо спаям мало башляют, но результат он всегда результат, а не пук в лужу, аки бронко стайл.
Cloud1983, кто и что сказал? Насчет стимпанков в инфо-файле который прилагался вместе с кряком для GR:Wildlands был явный намек на то-что они намерены взломать последнюю защиту win-store, а дальше уже наверно начнут клепать по очереди все остальные игры. А по поводу болдмана так как от него нет вестей и взломов, то скорей всего чувак взял небольшой перерыв, может уехал куда-то он как не крути тоже человек логично? или я обязательно должен быть с ним знаком и предоставлять нашу переписку где он пишет что взял отпуск?
Насчет стимпанков в инфо-файле который прилагался вместе с кряком для GR:Wildlands был явный намек на то-что они намерены взломать последнюю защиту win-store, а дальше уже наверно начнут клепать по очереди все остальные игры. А по поводу болдмана так как от него нет вестей и взломов, то скорей всего чувак взял небольшой перерыв, может уехал куда-то он как не крути тоже человек логично? или я обязательно должен быть с ним знаком и предоставлять нашу переписку где он пишет что взял отпуск?
Всё что ты тут написал, не более чем твои личные выдумки
Всё что ты тут написал, не более чем твои личные выдумки
Valve Steam : Done EA'S Origin DRM : Done Ubisoft's Uplay DRM : Done Denuvo Anti-Tamper : Done Easy Anti Cheat : Done Custom Triggers : Done Sex with 2 women : Done Sex with 3 women : Done Sex with a man : Done
What's next ? Ah yes there is one left but that's probably too hard for us ... *cough cough*
ЦитатаBALDMAN ()
Ok guys, this little game has new version of D. I won't tell its v5, but it is something like v4.7, old methods don't work with it anymore and I have to reverse engineer it again from the scratch. But I'm busy smoking good cigars and drinking whiskey, so I doubt it will happen anytime soon. :D So for now you are again in greedy hands of offline activators :8=)
AsNazGhul, Я смотрю у тебя до сих пор пригорает и хочется в очередной раз развести спор ни о чём Где там сказано про отпуск или про Win Store? Завязывай уже, фантазёр
[off]Cloud1983, то есть обращаясь к тебе уже и написать нельзя?
ЦитатаCloud1983 ()
Я смотрю у тебя до сих пор пригорает
Только о тебе и думаю.
ЦитатаCloud1983 ()
хочется в очередной раз развести спор ни о чём?
Отнюдь, пресекаю твои попытки начать спор с другим человеком.
ЦитатаCloud1983 ()
Где там сказано про отпуск? Или про Win Store? Завязывай уже, фантазёр
Не хватает ума сложить 2 и 2? Или крякеры тебе прямым текстом и в подробностях должны отчитаться о том что они делают и куда подевались? Раз такой умный, просвети что они имеют ввиду.[/off]
Несколько не по теме, но тоже интересно. NFO из релиза Sine.Mora.EX.PROPER-PLAZA
Proper Notes :
After being caught numerous times for stealing supplies and crack methods from p2p, we now have a new level of p2p theft : The "new" SR Steam emu ! Below you can find the proof that the emucode is clearly taken from p2p emus like LumaEmu as SR left lots of LumaEmu snippets in their "own" code (just upx -d their emu and you can check yourself) We've checked dozens of SKIDROW pres from the past months, and they all contained the stolen emu code. Well done ...
Proof for stolen code from LumaEmu :
Proof for stolen code from sokie :
At this stage, we stopped looking for more places they borrowed code from.
PS: Please save us from another statement trying to defend yourselves because by now we all know the stealing force just too well. Besides, Darksiders are using the same steam emu .. do the math
У панков висело в инфо что скора вы типа офигеете что мы готовим это 100% стор
На заборе много чего написано, там вы тоже будете искать какой-то глубокий смысл? Разумеется рано или поздно доберутся и до гомностора, но не нужно выдавать желаемое за действительное.
ЦитатаReynor ()
Ребяты высказали свое мнение. Не согласен? Выскажи свое. Не нужно пытаться как то задеть собеседника.
Отвечу так, как обычно отвечаешь ты "не верю". В nfo нет никаких чётких упоминаний WinStore, а Baldman вообще ни разу не сказал про отпуск, так где тут мнение? Обычные выдумки тех, у кого жутко пригорает что всякие там Forza, Gears of War и т.д. по прежнему не взломаны, а значит поиграть на халяву не пАлУчиЦа. Вот и выдумывают всякие глупости.
Baldman писал, что у него сейчас будет меньше времени на взлом, это нельзя расценивать как отпуск. А Панки действительно писали что мы удивимся, но кто вам сказал что это будет стор? С тем же успехом это может быть универсальный взломщик. Выдавать желаемое за действительное конечно приятно, но давайте трезво смотреть на вещи.
Отвечу так, как обычно отвечаешь ты "не верю". В nfo нет никаких чётких упоминаний WinStore, а Baldman вообще ни разу не сказал про отпуск, так где тут мнение? Обычные выдумки тех, у кого жутко пригорает что всякие там Forza, Gears of War и т.д. по прежнему не взломаны, а значит поиграть на халяву не пАлУчиЦа. Вот и выдумывают всякие глупости.
Да ради бога, верь, не верь, мне все равно. Пацаны просто высказали свое предположение, и объяснили почему так думают. Выскажи свое, и объясни почему ты так считаешь. Как то так и строится разговор. А лишний раз, без причины, пытаться спровоцировать конфликт, я думаю, лишнее.
Ответ Skidrow по поводу "украденных исходников эмулятора" Sine.Mora.EX.STATEMENT-SKIDROW
We feel obliged to "do the math" for PLAZA group accusation in Sine.Mora.EX.PROPER-PLAZA, considering their presentation biased, inacurate, ill-intended and irrelevant. Their so called "debugging analysis" is supposed to give the audience the impression that our emu is blatantly stolen from different sources. First, we would like to make some clarification about the "Stealing" and "Inspiration", cause there 2 very different notions PLAZA seems to be very confused of. Stealing happens when someone totally copies an entire product and uses it without approval for its own purposes (eg: various online sites sysops who take emulators from groups - Scene or not - and release games based on these emulators they dont own or have the right to use. Also stealing happens when one copies or use a technical solution that makes up almost of one's final product(eg use a complete solution for a crack from somewhere else without approval and one's added value tends to zero). On the other part there is the "inspiration", which almost everybody in the IT business(Scene or not) is doing. Inspiration means analyzing the best ideeas existent on the "market" and trying to improve it. Everyone is using ideeas from other people. To be more Scene-specific, everyone uses tools or portions of code written by somewhere else in their rlses/cracks. Every grp or person is using some tool (debugger, plugin, antidebug technique, library or just plain code) which was invented by someone else. Nobody is coding something ignoring everything that has done before. And for this evolving process to happen much easier and quicker in the software business, open-source was invented. When some authors (in our case some steam emu authors) uploaded some software publicly, it is understood by default that the author uploads it for the reason of sharing and for the interested people to take advantage of it. Getting ideeas from that opensource software, some common utility classes/function or copying some few lines of code from a public available software is classified as *STEALING* only in the confused and ill-intended minds of PLAZA members. Also, it's important to be noted that the respective codebases we're accused of "stealing" from(LumaEmu and sokie's work) are very old, out of date, incomplete and practically unusable per-se. The best thing one person could get out of them is to have a general ideea of an emu design or some implementation of some few minor functions. They are in fact some proof-of-concepts for studies when you began to design an emu from scratch . The current emu which is subject of this discussion is a rewrite from scratch of the previous SR asm emu and it's a collaboration work of SKID ROW and DARKSiDERS. Before it was started, we analyzed various designs of emus, whose source was open. Again, if you consider this stealing, we kinda dont give a fuck about your opinion. Actually in the beginning some code was pasted in the new emu project from 1-2 places, in order to have as a "starting point model" when we started from zero, but afterwards they were recoded.
Regarding PLAZA "analysis":
Function #1. ----------- The proof of the previous paragraph can be deduced quite quickly from PLAZA analysis, but of course they couldnt have figured this out by themselves, cause their so called "analysis" resumes just to string grepping in executables with IDA. Check out PLAZA picture http://i.imgur.com/QKz69fI.jpg Function #1. PLAZA highlights the usage of 3 LumaEmu functions here which are loaded dynamically by GetProcAdress. Let us clarify that for you: these LumaEmu functions DO NOT EXIST in our emu.(hint:Look into exported symbols of steam_api.dll).
We never used functions from LumaEmu, those 3 lines you highlighted were left in our emu as an example in the first days of emu and we forgot them there. Before you accusing someone of stealing implementations(and not only random strings), do your homework, otherwise you make fools of yourselves. In the laymen terms, so you can understand: The 'stolen' LumaEmu functions you think you found are in fact just 3 forgotten strings of function names having no other usage.That's it.
Function #2. ----------- You're comparing 2 different functions :SteamApi_Init() with SteamApi_InitSafe(). These are different functions. And you're accusing us that 2 lines of 2 different functions are similar: SteamAPI_RegisterInterfaceFuncs and GetModuleHandle? Are you fuckin nuts?
Functions #3 and #4 ------------------- Yeah, we admit they were pasted from Luma, first time when we started the new emu, won't deny that. These are 2 small functions which are used for debugging of game crashes, have no importance for the game itself, and their implementation is available online, on msdn and they are not like the trademark or the invention of Luma(in fact we see now that Luma itself got these functions from other part - which quite usual, nobody sane recodes common utilities when already available). Making such a big fuss about these relatively unimportant functions only proves your ill-intention and even worse, your lack of imagination ;-) So our big theft from LumaEmu consists in fact of 3 strings and 2 functions of maybe 10 lines which generate a .dmp file! WOW! Can you actually prove that we've taken something at least consistent from LumaEmu, something that would qualify as a major ripoff of code, who could be eventually asimilated to stealing? In fact you can't, cause what you found already is in fact all our inspiration from Luma!
sokie's work ------------- About that stealing the callbacks name from SteamApibase, you're so full of shit you're not even funny: the callback names are defined in public documents of Steam SDK (header files - the ones in your image is from isteamuser.h, they aren't sokie's invention, they belong to Steam. If you compare sokie's total callbacks names with callback names in our emu, you'll see that sokie has around 50 callbacknames implemented, while SKIDROW/DARKSIDERS emu has 163. Quite a difference, dont you think? I wonder where we 'stole' the rest of 113 callbacks names from... hmmmmmm.... So what is our fault here according to you? "same callbacks name order" -> this is the order in Steam SDK header files isteam*.h, wise-ass "same callbacks naming convention" -> again this is the naming convention in Steam SDK header files isteam*.h "same order of callback IDs" -> again and again this is the exact order of IDs specified in Steam SDK in steam_api_flat.h + isteam*.h We will paste here few lines of steam_api_flat.h for you to see the logical order of callback names: int const_k_iSteamUserCallbacks = 100; -> and from here you get (SteamServersConnected=100+1=101,SteamServerConnectFailure=100+2=102,...) as per in isteamuser.h int const_k_iSteamGameServerCallbacks = 200; int const_k_iSteamFriendsCallbacks = 300; int const_k_iSteamBillingCallbacks = 400; int const_k_iSteamMatchmakingCallbacks = 500; int const_k_iSteamContentServerCallbacks = 600;
The fact that you're accusing us of stealing callback names and some array indexes from sokie, makes us believe that in fact you didn't read/understand neither the Steam SDK nor the emu source code you originally took from SKIDROW and "inspiring" yourself from it since then. Until you'll retire, maybe you'll understand it afterall. :-D Well, here we really got started to be dissapointed by this "analysis" (in fact only smoke and mirrors). This analysis tries to further induces the ideea("for now, we stopped looking") that if you found out 3 strings and few similarities in few functions from hundreds of existing functions, mostly all code is stolen. This can't be farther from the truth. The difference between a full working emu and Luma(or sokie,etc) available codebase is HUGE. It's in the order of tens of thosands of code lines and maybe more than 1 year of work. And you're very aware of that. If building an emu would be a matter of combining existing sources, every grp would have one. So now that we tempered your "Theft of the century" presentation, let us be clear about this(get it in the thick skull of yours): "Inspiration is not stealing, looking at other people's work and improving (adding value to existing stuff) is not stealing." Otherwise all of us should be banned cause at a moment or other, we looked and used other ppl's work, instead of starting every time from scratch. And also we consider we have nothing to hide, this is why let our emu unencrypted for ppl to look at it if they desire. This is in deep contrast with CODEX/PLAZA, who obfuscate their emu as Ali213 does. I wonder why, probably they're protecting their Intelectual Property :-D If you look at our exported symbol list you'll see many things which are not in any open source public emu available, a lot of work went there. (our emu has over 80.000 lines of code). So STOP THE FUCKING CRAP about stealing ! In fact this hostile attitude you're displaying by hunting and analyzing our releases has other motivations in our opinion, besides the fact you have a stable emu(I give you that) and some scripts to quickly release steam games as soon they're available on Steam store, *you actually can't do anything*. That means you can't crack anything having a reasonable crack protection(nevermind Denuvo). And because you saw that we started having more shinier tools lately and that we're almost ready on Denuvo solution, maybe you'll get worried that you'll became a 2nd class player in the Scene and you're trying to discredit us at each possible ocasion. Don't worry about that, we already consider you a 3rd world citizen by the general attitude you're displaying towards us and others. We are really fed up with you, think we'll put you on ignore-list from now on!
Ну очень много букффф. Единственное, чем заприметился их ответ, так это вот этим предложением:
ЦитатаHaoose ()
And because you saw that we started having more shinier tools lately and that we're almost ready on Denuvo solution, maybe you'll get worried that you'll became a 2nd class player in the Scene
Undead_75, Это же щитроу,не стоит слепо верить их словам От них жду только LiS,он как раз на Unity будет,опять от dll отвяжут денувку,чисто чтобы остальные крякеры на это время не тратили
Дата: Понедельник, 21.08.17, 00:00 | Сообщение # 8434
Ответ от DARKSiDERS (Из релиза Grisaia.Phantom.Trigger.Vol.3.READ.INFO-DARKSiDERS)
Given the latest nukes of PLAZA which target the emu we originally created and developed later in collaboration with SKIDROW, we want to reiterate shortly the ideas that were explained in detail in SKIDROW nfo. - "Stealing" in the interpretation of Scene rules implies copying or using COMPLETE products or solutions. More exactly if one uses a complete emulator or a complete crack solution from other part without that approval of the part. - Our emu was developed from scratch and it developed gradually as you see along DARKSIDERS releases.Before this emu was even started, we studied the designs of others public emus. This is a normal procedure in any engineering domain. You start from a current situaton, nobody is crazy enough to start from zero every time he begins a new product, ignoring what everybody else has done until then. Also is common sense in software business that design patterns, common libraries and various code utilities are reused from available opensource resources without any problem. This is why they have been placed in public-domain in the first place.(github is P2P???) - We are observing now that our emu is the nuking target of some group that has some hard time understanding the principles mentioned above. Throwing accusations of "stealing" from their part is just a way to discredit their competition , in our opinion. We will continue our work undeterred by any of their unfriendly actions. - To get more clear: 1. We are using some public domains resources in our products. 2. We will use public domains resources in our products no matter what others think or act on that. 3. For the real FANS that like our rlses so much they RIP them on constant basis: "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger; anger leads to hate; hate leads to suffering. I sense much fear in you."