; Get DLC Info from SteamDB by Sak32009 v3.6.8
; Format: CREAMAPI v3.4.1.0
; AppID: 883710
; AppID Total DLCs: 9
; SteamDB:
https://steamdb.info/app/883710 ; Homepage:
https://github.com/Sak32009/GetDLCInfoFromSteamDB/ ; Support:
http://cs.rin.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=71837 [steam]
; Application ID (http://store.steampowered.com/app/%appid%/)
appid = 883710
; Current game language.
; Uncomment this option to turn it on.
; Default is "english".
;language = russian
; Enable/disable automatic DLC unlock. Default option is set to "false".
; Keep in mind that this option is highly experimental and won't
; work if the game wants to call each DLC by index.
unlockall = false
; Original Valve's steam_api.dll.
; Default is "steam_api_o.dll".
orgapi = steam_api_o.dll
; Original Valve's steam_api64.dll.
; Default is "steam_api64_o.dll".
orgapi64 = steam_api64_o.dll
; Enable/disable extra protection bypasser.
; Default is "false".
extraprotection = false
; The game will think that you're offline (supported by some games).
; Default is "false".
forceoffline = false
; Some games are checking for the low violence presence.
; Default is "false".
;lowviolence = true
; Installation path for the game.
; Note, that you can use ..\ to set the parent directory (from where executable file is located).
; Maximum number of parent directories: 5 (..\..\..\..\..\)
; Default is the path to current working directory.
;installdir = ..\
; Use DLC id as the appended installation directory.
; e.g. <install_directory>\480
; Default is "true".
;dlcasinstalldir = false
; Purchase timestamp for the DLC (http://www.onlineconversion.com/unix_time.htm).
; Default is "0" (1970/01/01).
;purchasetimestamp = 0
; Turn on the wrapper mode.
; Default is "false".
wrappermode = false
; Disables the internal SteamUser interface handler.
; Does have an effect on the games that are using the license check for the DLC/application.
; Default is "false".
disableuserinterface = false
; Disables the internal SteamUtils interface handler.
; Does have an effect on the games that are checking for the actual AppId (only matters when "wrappermode" is set to "true").
; Default is "false".
disableutilsinterface = false
; Disable the internal reserve hook of the "Steam_RegisterInterfaceFuncs" function.
; Default is "false".
disableregisterinterfacefuncs = false
; Unlock/Lock Steam parental restrictions.
; Default is "true".
;unlockparentalrestrictions = false
; SteamId64 to override. Note that this action could be risky !
; This option can only work if "disableuserinterface = false".
;steamid = 0
; Bypass VAC signature check. Note that this action could be risky !
; Default is "false".
;signaturebypass = true
; Application ID to override (used when the wrapper mode is on)
newappid = 0
; Use the internal storage system.
; Default is "false".
wrapperremotestorage = false
; Use the internal stats/achievements system.
; Default is "false".
wrapperuserstats = false
; Use the internal workshop (UGC) system.
; Default is "false".
wrapperugc = false
; Store the data in the current directory (incl. stats)
; By default the data is stored at: %appdata%/CreamAPI/%appid%/
; Default is "false".
saveindirectory = false
; Force the usage of a full save path instead of the relative one.
; Default is "false".
forcefullsavepath = false
; Disable internal callbacks system.
; Default is "false".
;disablecallbacks = true
; Disable/Enable a StoreStats callback. Takes effect only if "wrapperuserstats" is set to "true".
; Default is "true".
;storestatscallback = false
; Fixed achievements count.
; Some games can only work if this option is configured properly (e.g. Wolfenstein II).
; Default is "0".
achievementscount = 0
; DLC handling.
; Format: <dlc_id> = <dlc_description>
; e.g. : 247295 = Saints Row IV - GAT V Pack
; If the DLC is not specified in this section
; then it won't be unlocked
920560 = RESIDENT EVIL 2 - Leon Costume: Arklay Sheriff
920561 = RESIDENT EVIL 2 - Leon Costume: Noir
920562 = RESIDENT EVIL 2 - Claire Costume: Military
920563 = RESIDENT EVIL 2 - Claire Costume: Noir
920564 = RESIDENT EVIL 2 - Claire Costume: Elza Walker
920567 = RESIDENT EVIL 2 - Original Ver. Soundtrack Swap
920568 = RESIDENT EVIL 2 - Deluxe Weapon: Samurai Edge - Albert Model
920569 = RESIDENT EVIL 2 - Deluxe Weapon: Samurai Edge - Jill Model
920570 = RESIDENT EVIL 2 - Deluxe Weapon: Samurai Edge - Chris Model
; Installation path for the specific DLC (dependent from "installdir" option).
; This section works only if "dlcasinstalldir" option is set to "false".
; Format: <dlc_id> = <install_dir>
; e.g. : 556760 = DLCRoot0
; Subscribed workshop items.
; This section works only if "wrappermode" and "wrapperugc" options are set to "true".
; Format: <dlc_id> = <true/false>
; e.g. : 812713531 = true
; Please refer to __README_WORKSHOP_EN__.txt for more details.